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13749 results for subjectCode: K - page 374 of 688
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Newsletter / American Society of International Law. The Society 1049-7803
Newsletter / Coalition on Government Information. The Coalition 0893-0392
Newsletter / European Commission, Directorate-General of Agriculture. The Directorate-General 1560-1862
Newsletter / International Society for Labor Law and Social Legislation, United States National Committee. International Society for Labor Law and Social Legislation, U.S. National Committee 0146-0242
Newsletter of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law. The Academy
Newsletter of the Forum Committee on Franchising. The Committee 2159-6018
Newsletter of the International Commission of Jurists. International Commission of Jurists
NewsQuarterly / ABA Section of Taxation. ABA Section of Taxation 1548-8977
Nexus. Chapman University School of Law
Nhà nước và pháp luật / Viện nhà nước và pháp luật, ̉Uy ban khoa học xã hội Việt Nam. Viện nhà nước và pháp luật 0866-7446
Nieuw magazijn van handelsregt. Gebroeders Schröder
Nieuwe bijdragen voor regtsgeleerdheid en wetgeving. Johannes Müller
Niên giám tư pháp Việt Nam / Nhà xuá̂t bản Chính trị quó̂c gia
Nihon hōgaku. Nihon Daigaku Hōgakkai 0287-4601
Nihon kanri hōrei kenkyū. Taigadō
Nihon Shakaitō kokkai hōkoku. [Nihon Shakaitō Kikanshikyoku]
Nihon Teikoku Shihōshō ... gyōkei tōkei nenpō. Shihōshō Gyōkeikyoku
Nihon Teikoku Shihōshō ... keiji tōkei yōshi. Shihōshō Keijikyoku
Nihonkoku sashō annai = Gaimushō Ryōji Ijūbu Gaikokujinka
13749 results for subjectCode: K - page 374 of 688