Search Results

13749 results for subjectCode: K - page 602 of 688
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
The Jewish law annual. Harwood Academic Publishers [etc.] 0169-8354
The John Marshall journal of computer & information law. Center for Computer/Law ; John Marshall Law School 1078-4128
The John Marshall law review The John Marshall Law School 0270-854X
The journal / The Association
The journal : Cleveland Bar Association
The Journal of air law and commerce. Southern Methodist University School of Law 0021-8642
The Journal of air law. Northwestern University Press
The journal of appellate practice and process. University of Arkansas at Little Rock School of Law 1533-4724
The Journal of conational law : The Conational Law Pub. Co.
The Journal of contemporary health law and policy. Catholic University of America Press 0882-1046
The journal of corporate law studies. Hart Pub. 1473-5970
The Journal of corporate taxation. Warren, Gorham & Lamont, inc 0094-0593
The Journal of corporation law University of Iowa, College of Law 0360-795X
The Journal of criminal law Pageant Pub. 0022-0183
The Journal of criminal law & criminology / Northwestern University School of Law. Williams & Wilkins 0091-4169
The Journal of energy law & policy / University of Utah, College of Law The University 0275-9926
The journal of gender, race, and justice University of Iowa College of Law 1550-7815
The Journal of international law and economics. National Law Center, George Washington University 0022-2003
The journal of international maritime law. Lawtext Pub. 1478-8586
The journal of international security affairs. Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs 1532-4060
13749 results for subjectCode: K - page 602 of 688