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13749 results for subjectCode: K - page 669 of 688
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
What constitutes doing business by a corporation in states foreign to the state of its creation. Corp. Trust Co.
What lawyers need to know about the Internet. Practising Law Institute 1536-4763
What the League of Nations has accomplished in one year : Brooklyn Daily Eagle
What will social security mean to you? American Institute for Economic Research
What you should know about taxes in Puerto Rico. Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Dept. of the Treasury, Office of Economic and Financial Research
What you should know before you hire a contractor. California Contractors State License Board
What's it worth? : LexisNexis
When you go to the Tax Court, procedure and practice;
Where to look for your law. Sweet & Maxwell Ltd.
Who's who in American law. Marquis Who's Who 0162-7880
Who's who in law. J.C. Schwarz
Widener law review Widener University School of Law 1933-5555
Wiener Quellenhefte zur Ostkunde. Die Gemeinschaft 0511-9324
Wiener rechtsgeschichtliche Arbeiten. H. Böhlau
Wiener rechtswissenschaftliche Studien. Manzsche Verlags- und Universitätsbuchhandlung 0084-0025
WiLDAF news / WiLDAF
Wildlife code of the state of Florida. Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission
Wildlife law news quarterly. Center for Wildlife Law, Institute of Public Law, University of New Mexico School of Law 1085-7338
Wiley CPA examination review. John Wiley 1539-8978
Wiley environmental law update. Wiley Law Publications 1530-9606
13749 results for subjectCode: K - page 669 of 688