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2584 results for subjectCode: M - page 1 of 130
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
"Recherches" sur la musique française classique. A. et J. Picard 0080-0139
... Supplement to the index of clarinet music.
...Supplement to the index of flute music.
1/1 : the quarterly journal of the Just Intonation Network. The Network 8756-7717
17th century music. American Schèutz Society 1054-6022
19th century music. University of California Press 0148-2076
20th century music. 20th Century Music 1085-5505
21st century music. 21st-Century Music 1534-3219
23 eine Wiener Musikzeitschrift. [O. Kerry]
A Arte musical. [S.m.]
A Bibliography of periodical literature in musicology and allied fields American Council of Learned Societies
A catalogue of music and books on music. Kenneth Mummery (Firm)
A directory of contemporary California composers. [Govenor's Committee to Encourage Selection, Performance and Publication of Music of Merit by Western Composers]
A Modinha popular. [publisher not identified]
AAMOA reports Afro-American Music Opportunities Association 0360-7178
Aarbog for musik / Gyldendal
Abe's folk music comix. [publisher not identified]
Abe's folk music. [B. Pegg, etc.]
Abitare. [publisher not identified]
2584 results for subjectCode: M - page 1 of 130