Search Results

18009 results for subjectCode: P - page 155 of 901
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Classical philology. University of Chicago Press 0009-837X
Classical quarterly. Clarendon Press [etc.] 0009-8388
Classical world. Published by the Classical Association of the Atlantic States
Classiques du Cinema 0578-4638
Classiques du XXe siècle. Musée national d'art moderne
Claudel newsletter. University of Rhode Island 0069-4568
Claudel studies. s.n. 0090-1237
Clásicos castellanos. Espasa-Calpe
CLCWeb comparative literature and culture : a WWWeb journal. S. Tèotèosy de Zepetnek 1481-4374
Clepsidra. Ediciones Filofalsâia 0327-1773
Climate. s.n. 0110-5434
Close up. Kraus Reprint
Close up. Pool
Close-up. Wallflower
CLS. Chicago Linguistic Society 1944-0332
CNY connected. Public Broadcasting Council of Central New York, Inc.
Coal traffic / prepared by Economics and Statistics Department. National Coal Association 0738-1794
Coast to coast. Angus and Robertson Ltd.
Coda: poets & writers newsletter. Poets & Writers, Inc. 0091-5645
Cognitive linguistics. Mouton de Gruyter 0936-5907
18009 results for subjectCode: P - page 155 of 901