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18009 results for subjectCode: P - page 163 of 901
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Comparative literature. University of Oregon 0010-4124
Comparative romance linguistics newsletter. Dept. of Modern Languages, University of Oklahoma 0010-4167
Comparison. [Graduate School of Comparative Literature, University of Warwick.]
Compass. Decker Press
Compendium / Published on behalf of the Commission of the European Communities, Task Force Human Resources, Education, Training, and Youth by Bureau LINGUA
Compendium / Bureau LINGUA
Composition forum : a journal of the Association of Teachers of Advanced Composition. The Association 1522-7502
Composition studies : freshman English news. Texas Christian University 1534-9322
Compte rendu du Congrès de langue et de littérature française. Fédération de l'alliance française
Comptes rendus du Groupe linguistique d'études chamito-sémitiques. Geuthner 0399-0400
Computational linguistics. Association for Computational Linguistics 0891-2017
Computational linguistics. Computing Centre of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences 0588-9324
Computational processing of the Portuguese language : Springer
Computer assisted language learning. Intellect 0958-8221
Computer processing of Chinese & oriental languages : an international journal of the Chinese Language Computer Society. The Society 0715-9048
Computers and translation : CaT. Paradigm Press 0884-0709
Comstock's phonetic magazine.
Comum : As Faculdades 0101-305X
Comunicação & política. Cebela 0102-6925
Comunicación y sociedad : cuadernos del CEIC. Centro de Estudios de la Información y la Comunicación 0188-252X
18009 results for subjectCode: P - page 163 of 901