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18009 results for subjectCode: P - page 875 of 901
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Yamamayu. Nihon Kindai Bungakkkan
Yamanashi Daigaku kokugo kokubun to kokugo kyōiku. Yamanashi Daigaku Kokugo Kokubun Gakkai 0910-1357
Yan'an wen xue = Yananwenxue Yan'an wen xue za zhi she 1006-3498
Yanagidaru kenkyū. Yumani Shobō
Yanjing xue bao. Long men shu dian
Yantraṇā. Rālphā
Yardbird reader. Yardbird Pub. Cooperative 0093-6103
Yasō / Chūgoku Bungei Kenkyūkai. Dō Kenkyūkai 0914-224X
Yaśavanta. Prabhāta Prakāśana
Yatiñataki. Instituto Nacional de Estudios Lingüísticos
YaʼItyop̣yā qwānqwāwočenā sena ṣeḥuf maṣḥét = Institute of Language Studies, Addis Ababa University
Yākthuṅ sāpśak nu sākthīm = Society for Development of Limboo Literature and Culture
Yātrā Ākādemi patrikā. Paścimabaṅga Yātrā Akādemi, Tathya o Saṃskr̥ti Bibhāga, Paścimabaṅga Sarakāra
Ye ying. Shanghai shu dian
Year book / The League
Year book of modern languages. Cambridge University Press
Year book of the American Dante Society.
Year book of the Authors' League of America, Inc. : The League
Year book of the Poetry Society of South Carolina. The Society
18009 results for subjectCode: P - page 875 of 901