Title |
Publisher |
Program (Institution) |
Directory of scientific research organizations in South Africa. |
South African Council for Scientific and Industrial Research |
0080-7761 |
Directory of scientific research organizations in the Union of South Africa. |
South African Council for Scientific and Industrial Research |
Directory of scientific research projects in Sri Lanka. |
National Science Council of Sri Lanka |
Directory of scientific societies of Washington : |
Joint Commission |
Directory of Scientific Societies of Washington, comprising the Anthropological, Biological, Chemical, Entomological, Geological, National Geographic, and Philosophical Societies. |
Directory of Soviet officials. |
The Directorate |
Directory of Soviet research organizations. |
Central Intelligence Agency |
0734-8134 |
Directory of the AAAS Consortium of Affiliates for International Programs. |
Office of International Science, American Association for the Advancement of Science |
Directory of the New York Academy of Sciences and affiliated societies. |
Directory of the research establishments in Pakistan. |
National Science Council |
Directory of the Washington Academy of Sciences and affiliated societies : |
Published by the Academy |
Directory of women in science and engineering : |
Office for Women's Affairs, Indiana Uinversity-Bloomington |
Directory [of] scientific resources in the Washington, D.C. area. |
Metropolitan Washington Science Bureau of the Metropolitan Washington Board of Trade |
Directory, current research in Israel. |
National Council for Research and Development, Center of Scientific and Technological Information |
Direktori badan/lembaga penelitian dan pengembagan di lingkungan departemen, non-departemen, perguruan tinggi, dan lain-lain. |
Biro Koordinasi dan Kebi jaksanaan Ilmiah, Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia |
0216-7115 |
Discover. |
Time |
0274-7529 |
Discovery : |
John Murray |
Discovery : |
Discovery Pub. Association |
Discovery science. |
Springer |
Discusiones internas sobre labores de investigación y docencia / |
Dirección Académica del CICESE |