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4051 results for subjectCode: QA - page 142 of 203
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Proceedings of the ACM SIGSOFT ... Symposium on Software Reusability (SSR). Association for Computing Machinery
Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Principles of Database Systems. Association for Computing Machinery
Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology. Association for Computing Machinery
Proceedings of the ACM Workshop on Privacy in the Electronic Society. Association for Computing Machinery
Proceedings of the ACM Workshop on Storage Security and Survivability Association for Computing Machinery
Proceedings of the ACM Workshop on Survivable and Self-Regenerative Systems / Association for Computing Machinery
Proceedings of the ACM Workshop on XML Security / ACM Press
Proceedings of the ACM. Association for Computing Machinery
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. American Mathematical Society 0002-9939
Proceedings of the annual computer applications symposium.
Proceedings of the Army Numerical and Computers Analysis Conference. U.S. Army Research Office
Proceedings of the ASP-DAC ... Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference. IEEE Service Center 2153-6961
Proceedings of the Association for Computing Machinery. Sauls Lithograph Co.
Proceedings of the Benares Mathematical Society. Benares Mathematical Society
Proceedings of the Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability. University of California Press 0097-0433
Proceedings of the Biennial Seminar of the Canadian Mathematical Congress. Springer-Verlag [etc.] 0068-919X
Proceedings of the Canadian Society for the History and Philosophy of Mathematics : Canadian Society for the History and Philosophy of Mathematics
Proceedings of the Conference on Computers and the Quality of Life : Association for Computing Machinery
Proceedings of the Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems. Association for Computing Machinery
Proceedings of the Conference on Probability Theory. Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste România
4051 results for subjectCode: QA - page 142 of 203