Search Results

4051 results for subjectCode: QA - page 169 of 203
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
SIGCSE bulletin. Association for Computing Machinery, Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education 0097-8418
SIGCUE topics. 0147-4677
SIGICE bulletin : a monthly publication of the ACM Special Interest Group on Individual Computing Environments. Association for Computing Machinery 1078-134X
SIGKDD explorations : newsletter of the Special Interest Group (SIG) on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining Association for Computing Machinery 1931-0145
Siglink newsletter : Association for Computing Machinery 2469-5327
SIGMAP bulletin. Association for Computing Machinery 0163-5786
SIGMAP newsletter. Special Interest Group on Mathematical Programming, Association for Computing Machinery 0364-5509
SIGMICRO newsletter : a quarterly publication of the ACM Special Interest Group on Microprogramming. The Group 1050-916X
SIGMICRO newsletter. Special Interest Group on Microprogramming, Association for Computing Machinery 0163-5751
SIGMICRO, TCMICRO newsletter : a quarterly publication of the ACM Special Interest Group on Microprogramming and the IEEE CS Technical Committee on Microprogramming. The Group and the Committee 0892-3825
SIGMOD record. Special Interest Group on the Management of Data 0163-5808
Significance. Blackwell 1740-9705
Signum newsletter. Special Interest Group on Numerical Mathematics of the Association for Computing Machinery 0163-5778
SIGOPS bulletin / The Association
SIGPLAN notices / ACM Special Interest Group on Programming Languages. The Group 0362-1340
SIGSAM bulletin : a quarterly publication of the Special Interest Group on Symbolic & Algebraic Manipulation. ACM Press 0163-5824
SIGSMALL/PC notes. Association for Computing Machinery 0893-2875
SIGTIME bulletin. ACM Special Interest Group on Terminal-oriented, Interactive and Multiuse Executive Systems
SIGUCC newsletter. Association for Computing Machinery, Special Interest Group on University Computing Centers 0163-5832
SIGUCCS newsletter. Association for Computing Machinery, Special Interest Group on University and College Computing Services 0736-6892
4051 results for subjectCode: QA - page 169 of 203