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4051 results for subjectCode: QA - page 61 of 203
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Games and economic behavior. Academic Press 0899-8256
Gamoqenebitʻi matʻematika da inpʻormatika. Tʻbilisisis universitetis gamomcʻemloba 1512-0074
Ganit. Bangladesh Mathematical Society
Ganita. Bhârata Gaṇita Pariṣad 0046-5402
Gaṇita bhāratī. Indian Society for History of Mathematics 0970-0307
Gao deng xue xiao ji suan shu xue xue bao = Numerical mathematics : a journal of Chinese universities / "Gao deng xue xiao ji suan shu xue" bian ji wei yuan hui bian. "Gao deng xue xiao ji suan shu xue xue bao" bian ji bu 1000-081X
Gao xiao ying yong shu xue xue bao. Zhejiang da xue chu ban she
Gazeta de matemática. Jornal dos concorrentes do exame de aptidão e dos estudantes de matemática das escolas superiores. Depositario, Liuarea Sá da Costa 0373-2681
Gazeta matematicÄ. Societatea 0016-5433
Gazeta matematică / Societatea 1010-9943
Gazeta matematică : Societatea de Științe Matematice din Republica Socialistă România
Gazeta matematică și fizică / Editura Tehnică
Gazeta matematică și fizică. Editura Tehnică 0433-2210
Gazette des mathematiciens. Société mathématique de France 0224-8999
General inequalities : Birkhauser
General mathematics / University of Sibiu, Dept. of Mathematics
General report. W.J. Robinson
General topology and applications : Dekker
General topology and its applications. North-Holland Pub. Co. 0016-660X
Generative and component-based software engineering : Springer
4051 results for subjectCode: QA - page 61 of 203