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4051 results for subjectCode: QA - page 84 of 203
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Journal de mathématiques élémentaires. S.n
Journal de mathématiques pures et appliquées. Gauthier-Villars [etc.] 0021-7824
Journal de mathématiques spéciales. Ch. Delagrave
Journal de mécanique théorique et appliquée = Journal of theoretical and applied mechanics. Gauthier-Villars 0750-7240
Journal de mécanique. Gauthier-Villars 0021-7832
Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux Centre de recherches mathématiques de Bordeaux et Algorithmique arithmétique et expérimentale 1246-7405
Journal for research in mathematics education. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 0021-8251
Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik. W. de Gruyter 0075-4102
Journal of algebra. Academic Press 0021-8693
Journal of algebraic combinatorics. Kluwer Academic Publishers 0925-9899
Journal of algebraic geometry. University Press 1056-3911
Journal of algorithms. Academic Press 0196-6774
Journal of ambient intelligence and humanized computing Springer-Verlag 1868-5145
Journal of analysis and computation. Serials Publications 0973-2861
Journal of applied analysis / Institute of Mathematics 1425-6908
Journal of applied mathematics and mechanics. Pergamon Press 0021-8928
Journal of applied mathematics and stochastic analysis : J.A.M.S.A. Society of Applied Mathematics, Modeling, and Simulation 1048-9533
Journal of applied measurement. [s.n.] 1529-7713
Journal of applied probability. Applied Probability Trust 0021-9002
Journal of applied statistical science. Nova Science Publishers 1067-5817
4051 results for subjectCode: QA - page 84 of 203