Title |
Publisher |
Program (Institution) |
Dun Echt Observatory publications. |
The Observatory |
Dunsink observatory publications. |
Dunsink Observatory |
0070-7643 |
Earth almanac : an annual geophysical review of the state of the planet. |
Oryx Press |
1533-0605 |
Earth and extraterrestrial sciences. |
Gordon and Breach Science Publishers |
0070-7902 |
Earth, moon, and planets. |
D. Reidel Pub. Co. |
0167-9295 |
Earth, planets and space : EPS. |
Published for the Society of Geomagnetism and Earth, Planetary, and Space Sciences (SGEPSS), the Seismological Society of Japan, the Volcanological Society of Japan, the Geodetic Society of Japan, the Japanese Society for Planetary Sciences by Terra Scientific Pub. Co. (TERRAPUB) |
1343-8832 |
Earthwise / British Geological Survey. |
British Geological Survey |
0967-9669 |
Eclipsing binaries circulars. |
Published by the Eclipsing Binaries Center at the Cracow Observatory |
Efemérides astronómicas. |
Gráfica de Coimbra [etc.] |
0870-1199 |
Ėfemeridy malykh planet na ... god / Institut teoreticheskoĭ astronomii, Akademii nauk SSSR = Ephémérides des petites planètes / Institut d'astronomie théorique de l'Academie des sciences de l'URSS. |
[Nauka] |
0201-7806 |
Efemérides astronómicas |
Instituto y Observatorio de Marina |
0080-5971 |
Efemérides astronômicas. |
Observatório Nacional |
0101-935X |
Effemeridi astronomiche di Milano per l'anno ... |
Presso Giuseppe Galeazzi tipografo |
Effemeridi astronomico-nautiche per l'anno ... / |
Tip. del Lloyd Austro-Ungarico |
El Universo / |
La Sociedad |
El Universo. |
Elementi astronomici per l'anno ... |
Tip. del Seminario |
Elementi astronomici per l'anno ... / |
Scuola tip. "Boccone del Povero" |
Engelhardt Observatory reprints = |
[s.n.] |
English version of introduction and remarks from the ... |