Title |
Publisher |
Program (Institution) |
Local climatological summary with comparative data. |
U.S. Department of Commerce, Weather Bureau |
Local climatological summary, with comparative data ... |
U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Weather Bureau |
LOICZ newsletter. |
LOICZ International Project Office, Netherlands Institute for Sea Research |
Low temperature physics. |
American Institute of Physics |
1063-777X |
Low temperature physics; proceedings. |
Lønnsomhetsundersøkelser for vanlig godt drevne og vel utstyrte fartøyer på 13 m l.l. og over, som brukes til fiske året rundt / Budsjettnemnda for fiskenæringen |
Izd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR |
Maamagneettisia tutkimuksia / |
The Office |
Machine vision applications, architectures, and systems integration / |
Machine vision systems for inspection and metrology. |
Madhyapradeśa kā māsika evaṃ vārshika varshā prativedana / |
Śāsakīya Kshetrīya Mudrāṇalaya |
Madjalah BATAN : |
Badan Tenaga Atom Nasional |
0303-2876 |
Magnetic bulletin of Pakistan: |
Pakistan Meteorological Services, Geophysical Centre |
Magnetic hourly values, San Juan, Puerto Rico. |
Coast and Geodetic Survey |
Magnetic hourly values, Sitka, Alaska. |
U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Coast and Geodetic Survey |
Magnetic hourly values, Tucson, Arizona. |
Coast and Geodetic Survey, 195--1952 |
Magnetic materials digest. |
M.W. Lads Pub. Co. |
Magnetic observations / the Auroral Observatory at Tromsø |
A.S. John Griegs boktr |
0373-4854 |
Magnetic observations made at the Magnetic Observatory, Sabhāwāla (Dehra Dūn), in the year ... / |
Survey of India |
Magnetic observatory results at San Juan, Puerto Rico for ... |
U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey |
Magnetic records |
Auroral Observatory |
0332-6098 |