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4432 results for subjectCode: QC - page 143 of 222
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Paramagnitnyĭ rezonans / Izd-vo Kazanskogo universiteta 0202-2257
Particle accelerators. Gordon and Breach 0031-2460
Particle physics and cosmology. American Institute of Physics
Particle physics experiments. Rutherford Laboratory
Particles and fields / American Institute of Physics
Particles and fields / American Institute of Physics
Particles and fields. American Institute of Physics 0097-8248
Particles and nuclei. Fazl-I-Umar Research Institute
Particles and nuclei. F.U. Research Institute 0031-2479
Passive infrared remote sensing of clouds and the atmosphere. SPIE
Penetrating radiation systems and applications. SPIE
Peninjauan hujan di Jawa dan Madura.
PEP news. Stanford University, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, 1975-
Periodica polytechnica. Physics and nuclear sciences. Technical University 1216-0563
Phase transitions. Gordon and Breach 0141-1594
Philippine annual climatological review. Climatological Division
Philippines nuclear journal. Philippine Atomic Energy Commission 0079-1490
Philosophical magazine : structure and properties of condensed matter. Taylor & Francis 1478-6435
Philosophical magazine letters. Taylor and Francis 0950-0839
4432 results for subjectCode: QC - page 143 of 222