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4432 results for subjectCode: QC - page 78 of 222
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
High energy physics & nuclear physics. Allerton Press 0899-9996
High energy physics. American Institute of Physics
High latitude geophysical data / The Institute
High pressure research Gordon and Breach 0895-7959
High temperature and materials science. Humana Press 1080-1278
High temperature science. Humana Press [etc.] 0018-1536
High temperature. Consultants Bureau 0018-151X
High temperatures - high pressures. Pion 0018-1544
Highlights of ... U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service
Hilger journal. Hilger & Watts 0440-8128
Historical studies in the physical and biological sciences : HSPS / Office of History of Science and Technology, University of California, Berkeley. University of California Press 0890-9997
Historical studies in the physical sciences. University of California Press [etc.] 0073-2672
Historical studies in the physical sciences. University of Pennsylvania Press
History of geophysics. American Geophysical Union 8755-1217
Hokubu Kishò„ Kenkyukai shi. Sapporo Kanku Kishò„dai
Holographic materials. SPIE
Holosphere. Museum of Holography 0739-120X
Horizons in world physics. Nova Science Publishers 2159-2004
Horizons of physics / edited for the Indian Association of Physics Teachers. Wiley 1049-345X
Hourly precipitation data. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Environmental Satellite, Data and Information Service, National Climatic Data Center
4432 results for subjectCode: QC - page 78 of 222