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4432 results for subjectCode: QC - page 99 of 222
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Journal of physics Institute of Physics and the Physical Society 0022-3689
Journal of physics Institute of Physics and the Physical Society 0022-3700
Journal of physics A-E. Nichigai Associates in association with the Institute of Physics
Journal of physics A: The Institute of Physics 0305-4470
Journal of physics C: Institute of Physics 0022-3719
Journal of physics. IOP Pub.
Journal of physics. IOP Pub.
Journal of physics. IOP Pub. 1751-8113
Journal of physics. Institute of Physics and the Physical Society 0368-3508
Journal of physics. Publishing house of the Academy of sciences of the USSR 0368-3400
Journal of physics. IOP Pub. 0953-4075
Journal of physics. Institute of Physics [etc.] 0022-3727
Journal of physics. Institute of Physics 0022-3735
Journal of physics. Institute of Physics and the Physical Society 0305-4608
Journal of physics. an Institute of Physics journal. IOP Pub. 0954-3899
Journal of physics. an Institute of Physics journal. IOP Pub. 0953-8984
Journal of plasma physics. Cambridge University Press 0022-3778
Journal of quantitative spectroscopy & radiative transfer. Pergamon Press 0022-4073
Journal of Raman spectroscopy. Wiley [etc.] 0377-0486
Journal of remote sensing. International Remote Sensing Institute
4432 results for subjectCode: QC - page 99 of 222