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2128 results for subjectCode: QD - page 64 of 107
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Macromolecular reviews. Interscience Publishers
Macromolecular symposia. Hüthig & Wepf 1022-1360
Macromolecular syntheses. Wiley 0163-6189
Macromolecular syntheses. Wiley 0076-2091
Macromolecular theory and simulations. Hüthig & Wepf 1022-1344
Macromolecules. American Chemical Society 0024-9297
Magazine Chemisch weekblad. Stichting Uitgeverij Sigma Chemie 0378-1895
Magnesium review and abstracts
Magnetic resonance in chemistry : MRC. Wiley Heyden 0749-1581
Magyar chemiai folyóirat. Kir. Magy. Természettudomanyi Társulat
Magyar kémiai folyóirat. 0025-0155
Main economic indicators. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development = Principaux indicateurs économiques. Statistiques rétrospectives / Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques Voronezhskoe obl. kn-vo 0023-2912
Main group chemistry Gordon and Breach 1024-1221
Main group metal chemistry. Freund Pub. House 0792-1241
Marine natural products. Academic Press 0163-8572
Maro polymer notes. Maro Communications 1066-7717
Mass spectrometry. Chemical Society 0305-9987
Match. Institut für Strahlenchemie im Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung 0340-6253
Materialy k biobibliografii uchenykh SSSR. Nauka
2128 results for subjectCode: QD - page 64 of 107