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2128 results for subjectCode: QD - page 74 of 107
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Photochemical & photobiological sciences. Royal Society of Chemistry 1474-905X
Photochemistry and photobiology. Pergamon Press 0031-8655
Photochemistry. Chemical Society
Photochemistry. Chemical Society 0556-3860
Photopolymer device physics, chemistry, and applications. SPIE--The International Society for Optical Engineering
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP. Royal Society of Chemistry 1463-9076
Physical chemistry; an advanced treatise. Academic Press 1045-6082
Physical methods in macromolecular chemistry. M. Dekker 0556-0179
Physicochemical hydrodynamics : PCH. Pergamon Press 0191-9059
Physics and chemistry of liquids. Gordon and Breach Science Publishers 0031-9104
Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy.
Plasma chemistry and plasma processing. Plenum Press 0272-4324
Plasma processes and polymers. Wiley-VCH 1612-8850
Plasma source mass spectrometry. RS. C
Plasmas and polymers Plenum Press 1084-0184
Plutonium abstracts. Hanford Laboratories
Plutonium research program 0566-7747
Polarographische Berichte. Staufen-Verlag
Polish journal of chemistry. PaƄstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe 0137-5083
Polycyclic aromatic compounds Gordon and Breach 1040-6638
2128 results for subjectCode: QD - page 74 of 107