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4425 results for subjectCode: QH - page 185 of 222
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Studia biologica Hungarica. Akadémiai Kiadó 0076-244X
Studia biophysica. Akademie Verlag 0081-6337
Studia marina. [publisher not identified] 0585-5349
Studia naturae. Państwowe Wydawn. Naukowe
Studia Universitatis Babes̈-Bolyai. [Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai] 1221-8103
Studia œcologica. Universidad de Salamanca 0211-4623
Studies - Hastings Center. Institute of Society Ethics and the Life Sciences 0093-3252
Studies / Japan Society for the Promotion of Scientific Research
Studies from the Biological Laboratories of the Owens College. J.E. Cornish
Studies from the biological laboratories.
Studies from the biological stations / [The Board]
Studies from the Tokugawa Institute. Tokugawa Institute for Biological Research
Studies in Antarctic oceanology. Dept. of Biological Sciences and Alan Hancock Foundation, University of Southern California
Studies in biology from the Biological Department of the Owens College. Council of the College
Studies in biology from the Biological Departments of the Owens College. J.E. Cornish
Studies in genetics. University of Texas
Studies in history and philosophy of biological and biomedical sciences. Pergamon 1369-8486
Studies in history of biology. Johns Hopkins University Press 0149-6700
Studies in microscopical science. Bailliére, Tindall and Cox
Studies in natural history.
4425 results for subjectCode: QH - page 185 of 222