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4425 results for subjectCode: QH - page 39 of 222
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Biomembranes. JAI Press
Biomembranes. Plenum Press 0067-8864
Biometeorology. Symposium Publications Division, Pergamon Press 0067-8902
Biometrical journal. Akademie-Verlag 0323-3847
Biometrics. Biometric Society, etc 0006-341X
Biometrika. University Press ; Macmillan Co. [distributor] 0006-3444
Biometrische Zeitschrift. Akademie-Verlag 0006-3452
Biomineralisation Forschungsberichte. Schattauer
Biomolecular engineering. Elsevier 1389-0344
Bionature. Dept. of Genetics, School of Biological Sciences, Bhopal University 0970-9835
Bionomical leaflets / McGill University
Bioorganic marine chemistry. Springer-Verlag 0935-7092
Biophysical chemistry. North-Holland Pub. Co. 0301-4622
Biophysical journal. Published for the Biophysical Society by the Rockefeller University Press 0006-3495
Biophysical reviews and letters World Scientific 1793-0480
Biophysics of membrane transport / School on Biophysics of Membrane Transport. Dept. of Physics and Biophysics, Pub. Dept. of the Agricultural University of WrocÅaw 0138-0818
Biophysics of structure and mechanism Springer-Verlag 0340-1057
Biophysics. Pergamon Press [etc.] 0006-3509
Biophysik. Springer-Verlag 0006-3517
Biophysikalisches Centralblatt.
4425 results for subjectCode: QH - page 39 of 222