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3014 results for subjectCode: QL - page 40 of 151
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Cistula entomologica. E.W. Janson
Cold Spring Harbor monographs. Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences
Colemania. K.D. Ghorpade 0970-3292
Coleopterological contributions. F.J. Psota 2577-8420
Coleopterologische Hefte. Carl Merhoff's Verlag
Coleopterologische rundschau.
Coleopterologisches Centralblatt. A. Wagner
Coleopterorum catalogus / W. Junk
Collected papers from the Department of Zoology and Entomology. Ohio State University
Collected papers.
Collective volume of scientific papers / ICCAT Secretariat 1021-5212
Colonial Waterbird Group newsletter. The Group
Colonial waterbirds : journal of the Colonial Waterbird Group. The Group 0738-6028
Common names of insects and related organisms / Entomological Society of America
Communications / The League
Communications in behavioral biology. Academic Press 0588-8042
Comparative oologist and journal of the International Museum of Comparative Oology. The Museum
Comparative parasitology. Helminthological Society of Washington 1525-2647
Compass /
Composition and harvest of the porcupine caribou herd. State of Alaska, Dept. of Fish and Game, Division of Game
3014 results for subjectCode: QL - page 40 of 151