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3014 results for subjectCode: QL - page 5 of 151
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Acta zoologica Taiwanica. National Taiwan University
Acta zoologica Universitatis Comenianae. Univerzita Komenského
Acta zoologica. Magyar Tudományos Akadémia
Acta zoologica. Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences [etc.] 0001-7272
Actes de la Réserve zoologique et botanique de Camargue. La Société 1245-8945
Actias : Russian journal of scientific lepidopterology. KMK Scientific Press 0132-8050
Activité et travaux.
Adaptive behavior. MIT Press 1059-7123
Administration of the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Dept. of the Interior 0194-1488
Administration report of the Director, Zoological Gardens, for ... Government [of Ceylon] 0577-4209
Administrative report / Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife, Office of Migratory Bird Management
Advances in acarology. Comstock Pub. Associates 0567-9826
Advances in amphibian research in the former Soviet Union. Pensoft Publishers 1310-8840
Advances in anatomy, embryology and cell biology. Springer 0301-5556
Advances in insect physiology. Academic Press 0065-2806
Advances in invertebrate reproduction : Elsevier/North-Holland
Advances in invertebrate reproduction. Peralam-Kenoth 0250-4995
Advances in the study of behavior. Academic Press 0065-3454
Aerial antelope survey report.
Aerial antelope survey report.
3014 results for subjectCode: QL - page 5 of 151