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1197 results for subjectCode: QP - page 11 of 60
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Biochemistry and molecular biology international. Academic Press 1039-9712
Biochemistry international. Published for the International Union of Biochemistry by Academic Press 0158-5231
Biochemistry. Butterworths; University Park Press 0144-0578
Biochemistry. American Chemical Society 0006-2960
Biochimica applicata. 0006-2987
Biochimica et biophysica acta. Elsevier 1388-1981
Biochimie. Elsevier 0300-9084
Bioconjugate chemistry. American Chemical Society 1043-1802
Bioelectrochemistry and bioenergetics. Elsevier Sequoia 0302-4598
Bioelectrochemistry. Elsevier 1567-5394
Bioelectromagnetics. Wiley-Liss, Inc. 0197-8462
Bioelectronics abstracts. v. [1]- ; 1956-61-- Texas Christian University Press
Bioelectronics directory. Texas Christian University Press
Bioengineering Conference : American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Biofactors. Published for International Union of Biochemistry by IRL Press 0951-6433
Biofeedback and behavioral medicine. Aldine Pub. Co. 0730-4994
Biofeedback and self-control. Aldine-Atherton 0067-8708
Biogenic amines VNU Science Press 0168-8561
Biogerontology. Kluwer Academic Publishers 1389-5729
Bioinorganic chemistry and applications Freund Pub. House Ltd. 1565-3633
1197 results for subjectCode: QP - page 11 of 60