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1197 results for subjectCode: QP - page 30 of 60
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Journal de physiologie expérimentale et pathologique. Chez l'auteur [et] Méquignon-Marvis
Journal de physiologie expérimentale et pathologique.
Journal de physiologie. Masson
Journal de physiologie. Masson et Cie 0021-7948
Journal für Hirnforschung. Akademie-Verlag 0944-8160
Journal für klinische Endokrinologie und Stoffwechsel. Krause & Pachernegg GmbH 1998-7773
Journal of aging and physical activity. Human Kinetics Publishers, Inc. 1063-8652
Journal of andrology. Published for the American Society of Andrology, inc. by the J. B. Lippincott Co. 0196-3635
Journal of applied biochemistry. Academic Press 0161-7354
Journal of applied glycoscience : JAG Nihon Ōyō Tōshitsu Kagakkai 1344-7882
Journal of applied physiology. American Physiological Society 8750-7587
Journal of applied physiology. American Physiological Society 0021-8987
Journal of applied physiology: Respiratory, environmental and exercise physiology. American Physiological Society 0161-7567
Journal of auditory research. C.W. Shilling Auditory Research Center 0096-2724
Journal of biochemical and biophysical methods. Elsevier/North-Holland 0165-022X
Journal of bioelectricity / International Society [for] Bioelectricity. Dekker 0730-823X
Journal of biological inorganic chemistry : JBIC : a publication of the Society of Biological Inorganic Chemistry. Springer 0949-8257
Journal of biomechanics. Pergamon Press 0021-9290
Journal of biomolecular NMR. ESCOM Science Publishers 0925-2738
Journal of breath research. IOP Pub. 1752-7155
1197 results for subjectCode: QP - page 30 of 60