Search Results

12697 results for subjectCode: R - page 127 of 635
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
British journal of oral surgery. Churchill Livingstone [etc.] 0007-117X
British journal of orthodontics. Oxford University Press [etc.] 0301-228X
British journal of pharmacology and chemotherapy. Macmillan (Journals) 0366-0826
British journal of pharmacology. Scientific & Medical Division, Macmillan Press, etc 0007-1188
British journal of pharmacology. British Pharmacological Society
British journal of physical medicine (1931-1943).
British journal of plastic surgery E. & S. Livingstone ; Williams and Wilkins Co. 0007-1226
British journal of psychiatry. Headley Bros., Ltd.
British journal of psychotherapy Artesian Books 0265-9883
British journal of rheumatology. Published for the British Association for Rheumatology and Rehabilitation by Bailliè€re Tindall 0263-7103
British journal of school nursing MA Healthcare Ltd. 1752-2803
British journal of sports medicine. Butterworths [etc.] 0306-3674
British journal of surgery : BJS John Wright & Sons ; Williams & Wilkins Co 0007-1323
British journal of therapy & rehabilitation : the inter-disciplinary journal of current clinical practice. Mark Allen Pub. 1354-8581
British journal of tuberculosis 0366-0850
British journal of urology : official journal of the British Association of Urological Surgeons E & S Livingstone 0007-1331
British journal of venereal diseases. British Medical Association 0007-134X
British medical bulletin. Medical Dept., the British Council 0007-1420
British medical journal. British Medical Association
British medical journal. British Medical Association 0007-1447
12697 results for subjectCode: R - page 127 of 635