Title |
Publisher |
Program (Institution) |
Hunan wei sheng, wei sheng tong ji nian jian. |
Hunan wei sheng, wei sheng tong ji nian jian bian ji wei yuan hui |
Hygeia. |
American Medical Association |
0096-1876 |
Hygie. |
International Union for Health Education |
0751-7149 |
Hygiene and physical education. |
[F.A. Bassette Co.] |
Hygiene and sanitation. |
Israel Program for Scientific Translation; available from the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, Va. |
0441-5310 |
Hygienic teacher and water-cure journal. |
Fowler and Wells |
Hygienische rundschau. |
Hygienischer Wegweiser. |
Deutscher Verlag für Volkswohlfahrt |
Hyperbaric oxygen review |
Plenum Pub. Corp |
0195-9263 |
Hypertension deaths in California / |
State of California, Health and Human Services Agency, Dept. of Health Services, Center for Health Statistics |
Hypertension disease deaths in California / |
State of California, Health and Human Services Agency, Dept. of Health Services, Center for Health Statistics |
Hypertension in pregnancy : |
Marcel Dekker |
1064-1955 |
Hypertension therapy annual. |
Martin Dunitz ; |
Hypertension. |
American Heart Association |
0194-911X |
Hypertension. |
American Heart Association |
0073-425X |
Ḥusn o ṣiḥḥat. |
Muḥammad Kalīmuddīn |
I.A.L.; boletim do Instituto Adolfo Lutz. |
Instituto Adolfo Lutz |
I.C.N. |
International Council of Nurses |
IARC handbooks of cancer prevention / World Health Organization, International Agency for Research on Cancer. |
The Agency ; Distributed by Oxford University Press |
1027-5622 |
IARC monographs on the evaluation of the carcinogenic risk of chemicals to humans. |
International Agency for Research on Cancer |