Search Results

12697 results for subjectCode: R - page 3 of 635
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
A Report to the Legislature on the Dental Disease Prevention Program (SB 111) : State of California, Health & Welfare Agency, Dept. of Health Services
A report to the Legislature, perinatal access system program. State of California, Health and Welfare Agency, Dept. of Health Services, Maternal and Child Health Branch
A report to the President & Congress on the status of health professions personnel in the United States. Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service, Health Resources Administration, Bureau of Health Manpower, Division of Manpower Analysis
A Reprint of the investigations carried out under the supervision of the Therapeutic Research Committee of the Council on Pharmacy and Chemistry of the American Medical Association. Press of American Medical Association
A review of foodborne disease outbreaks reported in New York State in ... / The Bureau
A Summary report on involuntary detentions in state and local mental health programs. State of California, Dept. of Mental Health, Reports and Data Retrieval Section
A Tuberculosis directory / National Association for the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis
A woman's guide to breast cancer : Breast Cancer Treatment Options, Medical Board of California
A Year-book of medicine, surgery and their allied sciences. [publisher not identified]
A.M.A. archives of dermatology and syphilology. American Medical Association 0096-5979
A.M.A. archives of dermatology. American Medical Association 0096-5359
A.M.A. archives of general psychiatry. American Medical Association 0375-8532
A.M.A. archives of industrial health. American Medical Association 0567-3933
A.M.A. archives of industrial hygiene and occupational medicine. American Medical Association 0096-6703
A.M.A. archives of neurology and psychiatry. American Medical Association 0096-6886
A.M.A. archives of neurology. American Medical Association 0375-8540
A.M.A. archives of ophthalmology. American Medical Association 0096-6339
A.M.A. archives of otolaryngology. American Medical Association 0096-6894
A.M.A. archives of surgery. American Medical Association 0096-6908
A.M.A. journal of diseases of children. American Medical Association 0096-6916
12697 results for subjectCode: R - page 3 of 635