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12697 results for subjectCode: R - page 568 of 635
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
The Journal of perinatal & neonatal nursing. Aspen Publishers 0893-2190
The Journal of perinatal education. American Society for Psychoprophylaxis in Obstetrics 1058-1243
The Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics. Williams & Wilkins 0022-3565
The journal of preventive medicine : [Bailliè€re, Tindall and Cox] 0368-3850
The journal of primal therapy. 0091-9772
The Journal of primary prevention. Human Sciences Press 0278-095X
The Journal of prosthetic dentistry. C. V. Mosby Co. 0022-3913
The journal of psychological medicine and mental pathology. J. Churchill
The Journal of psychotherapy practice and research. American Psychiatric Press 1055-050X
The Journal of rational medicine.
The Journal of rehabilitation in Asia. 0022-4162
The Journal of research and education in Indian medicine. The Journal 0970-7700
The Journal of research and training. Illinois Dept. of Mental Health 0092-3931
The Journal of respiratory diseases. Cliggott Publishing Co. 0194-259X
The Journal of roentgenology.
The Journal of rural health : Journal of Rural Health 0890-765X
The Journal of sociologic medicine. American Academy of Medicine
The Journal of speech and hearing disorders : JSHD. American Speech and Hearing Association 0022-4677
The journal of speech and hearing disorders. Published for American Speech and Hearing Association by Interstate Printers and Publishers
The Journal of speech disorders. American Speech Correction Association 0885-9426
12697 results for subjectCode: R - page 568 of 635