Title |
Publisher |
Program (Institution) |
The United States medical and surgical journal. |
C.S. Halsey |
The United States pharmacopeia. |
United States Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc. |
0195-7996 |
The University journal of medicine and surgery. |
W. Paine |
The University of Missouri bulletin. |
The University |
1049-1643 |
The Upper Canada journal of medical, surgical, and physical science. |
H. Rowsell |
0830-3002 |
The Vaccination inquirer and health review. |
The Vegetarian magazine. |
The Virginia Hospital bulletin. |
The Virginia pharmacist. |
Published by the Virginia Pharmaceutical Association and the Board of Pharmacy |
0042-6717 |
The virus cancer program: |
Viral Oncology Program, Division of Cancer Cause and Prevention, NCI |
0145-7772 |
The Vis medicatrix. |
The Visiting nurse quarterly. |
Visiting Nurse Association |
The Volunteer leader. |
American Hospital Association |
0005-1861 |
The Washington manual of medical therapeutics / Department of Medicine, Washington University School of Medicine. |
Lippincott-Raven |
1533-3442 |
The Weekly roster, Philadelphia medicine, and medical digest. |
The Western dental journal. |
R.I. Pearson & Co. |
The Western drug record. |
Woodward, Faxon |
The Western journal of the medical and physical sciences. |
The Western medical and physical journal, |
The Western medical gazette. |