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19259 results for subjectCode: S - page 253 of 963
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Certified organic production survey /
Certified seed growers of small grains from the spring harvest. Arkansas State Plant Board
Certified seed regulation. [Louisiana Seed Commission]
Československá lesnická bibliografie. Bibliographia silviculturae Čechosloveniae. 0577-3989
Ceylon coconut quarterly. Coconut Research Institute of Sri Lanka (Ceylon) 0009-0824
Ceylon journal of science. 0366-8444
CFA newsletter / Commonwealth Forestry Association. Commonwealth Forestry Association 1750-6417
CFIA's biotechnology highlights report. Canadian Food Inspection Agency 1711-0114
CFRU research note. School of Forest Resources, Life Sciences & Agriculture Experiment Station, University of Maine at Orono 0748-1748
CGIAR highlights. CGIAR Secretariat
CGIAR news / The Group
Chagyō gijutsu kenkyū = Study of tea. Nōrinshō Tōkai Kinki Nōgyō Shikenjō Chagyōbu 0366-6123
Challenges to Montana agriculture. Montana State College. Division of Agriculture 0528-8037
Changes in farm production and efficiency. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Production Economics Research Branch 0731-3217
Changes in official methods of analysis / The Association
Changmul t'onggye. Nongsusanbu
Chaparra agricola. A.J. Cabrera
Chapingo Escuela Nacional de Agricultura 0186-7075
Charolais bull-o-gram. Litton Charolais Ranch, Inc.
Charter boat catch and effort from the Michigan waters of the Great Lakes / Michigan Dept. of Natural Resources, Fisheries Division
19259 results for subjectCode: S - page 253 of 963