Title |
Publisher |
Program (Institution) |
Cornell recommendations for commercial production and maintenance of trees and shrubs. |
New York State College of Agriculture |
Cornell recommendations for florist crops. |
New York State College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Cornell University |
Cornell recommendations for pest control for commercial production and maintenance of trees and shrubs. |
New York State College of Agriculture and Life Sciences |
0277-1624 |
Cornell recommendations for trees and shrubs. |
New York State College of Agriculture |
Cornell recommendations for turfgrass. |
New York State College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, a Statutory College of the State University, at Cornell University |
Cornell recommendations to municipalities for chemical control of biting flies in New York State. |
New York State College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Cornell University |
Cornell recommends for field crops. |
New York State College of Agriculture, Cornell University |
0525-7530 |
Cornell recommends for integrated field crop management. |
Cornell Cooperative Extension |
Cornell science leaflet. |
New York State College of Agriculture |
Cornell science leaflet. |
Cornell turfgrass research report / |
Cooperative Extension, Cornell University |
Cornell veg-news. |
Vegetable Crops Dept., New York State College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Cornell University |
0525-7719 |
Cornell veterinarian. Supplement. |
0589-7432 |
Corpoica : ciencia y tecnología agropecuarias : revista de la Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria |
Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria |
0122-8706 |
Corraleros : |
Editorial Corraleros |
Cortland hatchery report. |
Costos de producción de los cultivos en los distritos de riego de la zona norte centro / |
El Departamento |
Costos operacionales y de capital de las actividades forestales en Chile. |
Instituto Forestal, División Estudios Económicos : |
Coton et fibres tropicales. |
Société d'éditions techniques continentales, etc |
0010-9711 |
Coton et fibres tropicales. |
Société d'éditions techniques continentales |
0010-972X |