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19259 results for subjectCode: S - page 7 of 963
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Abstract of agricultural statistics, India / Manager of Publications
Abstract of agricultural statistics.
Abstract of literature on the production, processing, and distribution of fresh milk.
Abstract of material presented at the Dairy Conference ... Dept. of Dairy Technology, Ohio State University
Abstract of papers read and summary of proceedings.
Abstracts - American Society of Animal Science. American Society of Animal Science [1977?- 0198-9863
Abstracts ... Conference on Scientific Research in the National Parks. American Institute of Biological Sciences
Abstracts ... meeting of the Weed Science Society of America. The Society 0888-6180
Abstracts / International Horticultural Congress
Abstracts / [Cornell Nutrition Conference Committee of the N.Y. State College of Agriculture at Cornell University]
Abstracts / Meeting of the Plant Growth Regulator Working Group. The Group 0271-4582
Abstracts from Wildlife disease. 0510-4661
Abstracts of Bulgarian scientific literature. Agricultural Academy "Georgi Dimitrov", Center for Scientific, Technical and Economic Information in Agriculture and Forestry
Abstracts of dissertations for the degree of doctor of philosophy.
Abstracts of dissertations for the degree of doctor of philosophy. The Graduate School, The Agricultural and Mechanical Collge of Texas
Abstracts of doctoral dissertations and a list of masters' theses.
Abstracts of fishery research reports. Division of Fisheries, Missouri Dept. of Conservation 0094-3630
Abstracts of literature on milk and milk products. American Dairy Science Ass
Abstracts of papers presented at the ... annual meeting ...
Abstracts of papers presented at the ... Annual Meeting of the Conference of Research Workers in Animal Disease. The Conference
19259 results for subjectCode: S - page 7 of 963