Search Results

30169 results for subjectCode: T - page 10 of 1509
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Abstracts bearing on shellac research literature. London Shellac Research Bureau
Abstracts for the advancement of industrial utilization of cereal grains. 0001-3420
Abstracts of canning technology. National Canners Association, Research Laboratory 0090-7561
Abstracts of chemical patents vested in the Alien Property Custodian. Office of Alien Property Custodian
Abstracts of current publications. Safety in Mines Research Establishment 0432-5397
Abstracts of DWR publications. State of California, Resources Agency, Dept. of Water Resources
Abstracts of IECE transactions. Institute of Electronics and Communication Engineers of Japan
Abstracts of literature on the manufacture and distribution of ice cream. International Association of Ice Cream Manufacturers
Abstracts of papers presented at the STAR* session. Science, Technology and Resources Network
Abstracts of papers.
Abstracts of phase I awards / National Science Foundation
Abstracts of photographic science & engineering literature. Graphic Arts Research Center, College of Graphic Arts & Photography, Rochester Institute of Technology [etc.] 0001-3633
Abstracts of presentations at the ... California Street and Highway Conference / Institute of Transportation and Traffic Engineering, University of California
Abstracts of publications of the Instituto Nacional para la Investigación de Recursos Minerales. El Instituto
Abstracts of research financed by the Petroleum Research Fund. 0569-3829
Abstracts of research supported by the Petroleum Research Fund. American Chemical Society
Abstracts of researches; tobacco, salt, camphor. Japan Monopoly Corp
Abstracts of Romanian scientific and technical literature / Institutul Național de Informare și Documentare. Institutul 0365-6330
Abstracts of Rumanian technical literature / Institute for Technical Documentation. The Institute 0001-365X
Abstracts of technical papers / Water Pollution Control Federation
30169 results for subjectCode: T - page 10 of 1509