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30169 results for subjectCode: T - page 1403 of 1509
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Transactions of the Institution of Engineers, Australia. The Institution
Transactions of the Institution of Engineers, Australia. The Institution 0725-0444
Transactions of the Institution of Engineers, Australia. The Institution
Transactions of the Institution of Engineers, Australia. Institution of Engineers 0371-7526
Transactions of the Institution of Engineers, Australia. The Institution of Engineers, Australia 0727-7369
Transactions of the Institution of Engineers, Australia. The Institution 0159-2068
Transactions of the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy. E. & F.N. Spon, Ltd.; The Institution ; Engineering & Mining Journal 0371-7836
Transactions of the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy. Institution of Mining and Metallurgy 1474-9009
Transactions of the Institution of Mining Engineers. The Institution 0371-9634
Transactions of the Institution of Professional Engineers New Zealand, Civil Engineering Section. The Institution 0111-9508
Transactions of the Institution of Professional Engineers New Zealand, Electrical/Mechanical/Chemical Engineering Section. The Institution 0111-946X
Transactions of the Institution of the Rubber Industry. The Institution
Transactions of the Institution of Water Engineers. St. Bride's Press ; 0371-814X
Transactions of the International Engineering Congress. The Congress
Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Airborne Electronics. The Group
Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Antennas and Propagation.
Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Component Parts / The Institute 2168-1686
Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Engineering Management. Institute of Radio Engineers 0276-1165
Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Microwave Theory and Techniques. Institute of Radio Engineers 0276-1173
Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Nuclear Science. Institute of Radio Engineers 0277-6278
30169 results for subjectCode: T - page 1403 of 1509