Title |
Publisher |
Program (Institution) |
Biophotonics and immune responses. |
Bioprocess and biosystems engineering. |
Springer-Verlag |
1615-7591 |
Bioprocess engineering / |
American Society of Mechanical Engineers |
Bioremediation in the field. |
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response : |
Bioremediation journal |
CRC Press, Inc. |
1088-9868 |
Bioresource technology : biomass, bioenergy, biowastes, conversion technologies, biotransformations, production technologies. |
Elsevier Applied Science ; Elsevier Science Publishing Co. |
0960-8524 |
BIOS final report. |
H.M.S.O. |
BIOS surveys. |
H.M.S.O. |
Bios. |
Institut Français des boissons de la brasserie-malterie |
0366-2284 |
Biosolids technical bulletin. |
Water Environment Federation |
1558-5980 |
Biospectrum : |
Cyber Media Publication |
Biotec ... directory. |
Automated Information Services, Institute of Documentation and Scientific and Technical Information, Academy of Science of Cuba |
Biotech software & Internet report. |
Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. |
1527-9162 |
Biotechnology & genetic engineering reviews. |
Intercept |
0264-8725 |
Biotechnology advances. |
Pergamon Press |
0734-9750 |
Biotechnology and food science. |
Technical University of Lodz Press |
2084-0136 |
Biotechnology annual review. |
Elsevier |
1387-2656 |
Biotechnology education report. |
Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., Publishers |
0737-5980 |
Biotechnology engineers: biographical directory. |
Omec International |
Biotechnology focus. |
Hanser Publishers ; Distributed in the United States of America by Oxford University Press |
0935-1043 |