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30169 results for subjectCode: T - page 347 of 1509
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
D.E.R. ... faits marquants. Electricité de France, Direction des études et recherches 0767-4627
Da ba guan ce yu tu gong ce shi = Shui li dian li bu Nanjing zi dong hua yan jiu suo
Da dian ji ji shu = Ha'erbin da dian ji yan jiu suo
Da zhong she ying. Da zhong she ying za zhi she
Daedalus. Tekniska museet
Dai Nihon Yōgyō Kyōkai zasshi. Dō Kyōkai 0366-9998
Daikōshi = Kōgyō Gijutsuin Ōsaka Kōgyō Gijutsu Shikenjo
Daily bulletin of the Manufacturers record. Manufacturers record
Daily bulletin of the Sixth Congress of the Permanent International Association of Road Congresses. Permanent International Association of Road Congresses
DaimlerChrysler hightech report. DaimlerChrysler
Dainichi Nihon Densen jihō = Dainichi Nihon Densen Kabushiki Kaisha 0011-5541
Dairy & ice cream field. Magazines for Industry 0011-555X
Dairy Council digest. National Dairy Council 0011-5568
Dairy field today. Coulter Pub. Co. 1053-9425
Dairy field. Magazines for Industry 0198-9995
Dalian gong xue yuan xue bao = Gai yuan 0253-0031
Dalian li gong da xue xue bao = Dalian li gong da xue 1000-8608
Dam engineering Reed Business Publishing Group 0958-9341
Damage mechanics in composites. American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Damming the solid waste stream: Minnesota Pollution Control Agency 0361-3569
30169 results for subjectCode: T - page 347 of 1509