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2748 results for subjectCode: U - page 120 of 138
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
The Academy Journal of defence studies : Nigeria Defence Academy
The adjutant : The Academy
The Air Force budget. HQ USAF (AF/ACM)
The Air Force comptroller. Office of the Comptroller, United States Air Force : Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O., distributor 0002-2365
The Air Force list. H.M. Stationery Off.
The Air reservist. [s.n.] 0002-2535
The Aircraft flash. Air Defense Command 0568-3769
The Airpower historian. Air Force Historical Foundation 0277-9048
The American Army and Navy journal, and gazette of the regular, National Guard, and reserve forces. American Army and Navy Journal, Inc.
The American Legion vest pocket series for civilian defense. [American Legion]
The annals of the Society of Logistics Engineers. SOLE 0885-3916
The Armed Forces comptroller. American Society of Military Comptrollers 0004-2188
The Armed Forces report 0501-6274
The Arms race and arms control / SIPRI, Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. Taylor & Francis ; Distributed by Oelgeschlager, Gunn & Hain 0265-1807
The Army and Navy magazine. W.H. Allen & Co.
The Army and navy quarterly. L.R. Hamersly
The Army chaplaincy : U.S. Army Chaplain Center and School 1542-8907
The Army combat forces journal. Association of the United States Army 0271-7336
The Army communicator U.S. Army Signal Center 0362-5745
The Army historian : a publication of the United States Army Center of Military History. The Center 0748-2299
2748 results for subjectCode: U - page 120 of 138