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1071 results for subjectCode: V - page 24 of 54
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Minutes of the meeting / The Dept
Minutes of the meeting / Permanent International Association of Congresses of Navigation
Mitteilungen aus dem Gebiete des Seewesens.
Monthly nautical magazine, and quarterly review. Griffiths, Bates
Monthly newsletter / Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, Navy Dept 2694-1953
Morskoĭ flot. Morskoĭ transport 0369-1276
Morskoĭ flot. Ministerstvo morskogo flota SSSR
Morskoĭ sbornik. V tip. Morskago ministerstva
Motor boat handbook. Motor Boat Pub. Co.
Motor boating & sailing. Hearst Corp 0027-1799
Motor boating's ideal series. Motor Boating
Motor boating. Times Mirror Magazines 1531-2623
Motor boating. Hearst Corp
Motorship and diesel boating. Diesel Pub.
Motorship. Miller Freeman
Motorship. Diesel Publications
MRIS abstracts. National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences-National Academy of Engineering
Museum publication.
Naše more. 0469-6255
Nauchnye trudy.
1071 results for subjectCode: V - page 24 of 54