Search Results

1071 results for subjectCode: V - page 32 of 54
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Register of retired commissioned and warrant officers, regular and reserve, of the United States Navy. [U.S. G.P.O.]
Register of the commissioned and warrant officers and cadets of the United States Coast Guard in the order of precedence. U.S. Coast Guard
Register of the commissioned and warrant officers and cadets, and ships and stations of the United States Coast Guard / Treasury Department, United States Coast Guard. G.P.O. 0734-2519
Register of the commissioned and warrant officers of the Navy of the United States and of the Marine Corps to ... Govt. Printer
Register of the commissioned and warrant officers of the Navy of the United States, including officers of the Marine Corps ... Secretary of the Navy
Register of the commissioned and warrant officers of the United States Naval Reserve Force. Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O.
Register of the commissioned and warrant officers of the United States Navy and Marine Corps and reserve officers on active duty. Govt. Print. Off.[etc.]
Register of the commissioned and warrant officers of the United States Navy and Marine Corps. [Navy Dept.]
Register of the commissioned officers, cadets, midshipmen, and warrant officers of the United States Naval Reserve. U.S. G.P.O. :
Register of the commissioned, warrant and volunteer officers of the Navy of the United States, including officers of the Marine Corps and others. G.P.O.
Regulations for the government of the United States Navy.
Regulations for the United States Coast Guard Academy. G.P.O.
Regulations governing the admission of candidates into the Naval Academy. [Govt. Print. Off.]
Relatório apresentado á Assembléa Geral Legislativa na ... sessão da ... Legislatura pelo Ministro e Secretario de Estado dos Negocios da Marinha. Typographia do Diario do Rio de Janeiro
Report / Shipbuilders Council of America
Report / Stevens Institute of Technology
Report / The Dept
Report and statement of accounts.
Report by the Hydrographer of the Navy on the surveys carried out by H. M. Naval surveying service and of the work of the Hydrographic Department Hydrographic Dept 0432-4137
Report of NRL progress. Naval Research Laboratory 0500-0505
1071 results for subjectCode: V - page 32 of 54