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1071 results for subjectCode: V - page 44 of 54
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
The Dolphin. Jurong Shipyard Ltd.
The Engineer's digest / Coast Guard
The Fleet annual and naval year book. Westminster Press (Gerrards)
The flight jacket. [Aviation Cadet Regiments]
The Great circle : journal of the Australian Association for Maritime History. The Association 0156-8698
The Guam recorder. [Guam Press Association]
The Gulf of Aden pilot. Sold by J.D. Potter
The Hedrick Coast Guard Academy lectures. The Academy
The Hydrographic review. International Hydrographic Bureau
The Indian tide tables.
The Indian tide tables. Published by order of Surveyor General of India
The international hydrographic review. GITC bv
The Journal of navigation. Royal Institute of Navigation 0373-4633
The journal of the Institute of Navigation. Institute of Navigation 0020-3009
The Life-boat; C. Knight 0024-3086
The Lucky bag. First Class, United States Naval Academy
The March of time series. Pilot Press
The Marine Corps gazette. Marine Corps Association 0025-3170
The marine engineer and naval architect. Office for Advertisements and Publication
The Marine engineer and naval architect. Marine engineer and naval architect
1071 results for subjectCode: V - page 44 of 54