Title |
Publisher |
Program (Institution) |
Current advances in genetics & molecular biology. |
Pergamon Press |
0741-1642 |
Current advances in plant science. |
Sciences, Engineering, Medical, & Business Data, ltd |
0306-4484 |
Current African directories. |
Current Africanist research; |
Research Information Liaison Unit, International African Institute |
Current awareness abstracts. |
Aslib |
Current awareness bulletin / |
United Nations, Economic Commission for Latin America, Office for the Caribbean, Caribbean Development and Co-operation Committee |
0251-9089 |
Current awareness bulletin : a review of information management literature. |
Aslib |
0265-9271 |
Current awareness in health education. |
U.S. Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service, Center for Disease Control, Bureau of Health Education |
0196-2426 |
Current awareness service / |
Asian Institute of Technology |
Current awareness--library literature : CALL. |
Goldstein Associates |
0091-5270 |
Current bibliographical information / Information bibliographique courante / Bibliothè€que Dag Hammarskjold. Dag Hammarskjold Library. |
United Nations |
0041-7343 |
Current bibliography / |
Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies |
Current bibliography and partial accessions list / |
Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies |
Current bibliography for aquatic sciences and fisheries. |
Taylor & Francis ltd |
0011-3239 |
Current bibliography for fisheries science. |
Biology Branch, Fisheries Division, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations |
Current book review citations. |
H.W. Wilson Co. |
0360-1250 |
Current British journals. |
Published by the British Library Lending Division in association with the UK Serials Group |
Current Caribbean bibliography. |
Caribbean Commission |
0070-1866 |
Current Caribbean periodicals and newspapers / |
Current geographical publications / The American Geographical Society. |
The Society |
0011-3514 |