Title |
Publisher |
Program (Institution) |
Directory of libraries / |
The Association |
Directory of libraries and documentation centres in the United Nations system. |
United Nations Library |
Directory of libraries and information sources in the Philadelphia area. |
Philadelphia Chapter, Special Libraries Association |
0278-5684 |
Directory of libraries and information sources. |
Directory of libraries and informational sources. |
Special Libraries Council of Philadelphia and Vicinity |
Directory of libraries in Canada = Répertoire des bibliothèques du Canada |
Micromedia |
1191-1603 |
Directory of libraries in Manitoba. |
Public Libraries Services, Dept. of Tourism, Recreation and Cultural Affairs |
0317-8536 |
Directory of libraries in Pakistan. |
Pakistan Library Association (Headquarters) : |
Directory of libraries in Singapore. |
Library Association of Singapore |
Directory of library & information professionals. |
Research Publications |
0894-7031 |
Directory of library associations in Canada. |
Library Documentation Centre, National Library of Canada [etc.] |
0380-1187 |
Directory of library automation software, systems, and services. |
Learned Information, Inc. |
1071-264X |
Directory of library consultants. |
Bowker |
Directory of library networks and cooperative library organizations. |
U.S. Dept. of Education, Office of Educational Research and Improvement, National Center for Education Statistics : For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O. |
0734-824X |
Directory of library photoduplication services in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. |
[Copying Methods Section, American Library Association] |
Directory of library photoduplication services. |
American Library Association |
Directory of library schools and lecturers in librarianship in Australia and New Zealand. |
Auslib Press |
Directory of library science collections. |
American Library Association, Library Education Division |
Directory of library science libraries. |
American Library Association, Library Education Division |
Directory of literary magazines / prepared by The Coordinating Council of Literary Magazines. |
The Council |
0884-6006 |