Title |
Publisher |
Program (Institution) |
Keiei tosho sōmokuroku. |
Hōritsusho Keizaisho Keieisho Mokuroku Kankōkai |
Keizai bunken kaidai. |
Daiyamondosha |
Keizai tosho sōmokuroku. |
Hōritsusho Keizaisho Keieisho Mokuroku Kankōkai |
Keizaishi bunken kaidai. |
Nihon Hyōronsha |
Kekal abadi : berita Perpustakaan Universiti Malaya. |
Perpustakaan Universiti Malaya |
0127-2578 |
KELIAS news : |
The Association |
Kelly's directory of stationers, printers, booksellers, publishers and papers makers of England, Scotland and Wales and the principal towns in Ireland, the Channel Islands and Isle of Man. |
KENAL news : |
The Service |
2221-3120 |
Kenkyū happyō ichiran. |
Nihon Genshiryoku Kenkyūjo |
Kenkyū seika shuppanbutsu mokuroku. |
Sōgō Kenkyū Kaihatsu Kikō |
Kentucky checklist of state publications. |
Kentucky Dept. for Libraries and Archives, Public Records Division |
Kentucky checklist of state publications. |
Public Records Division, Kentucky Dept. of Libraries and Archives |
1054-2841 |
Kentucky libraries |
Kentucky Library Association |
0732-5452 |
Kentucky state publications. |
Public Records Division, Kentucky Dept. for Libraries and Archives |
0891-7892 |
Kentucky; |
University of Kentucky Libraries |
0091-5653 |
Kenya national bibliography. |
Kenya National Library Service, National Reference & Bibliographic Dept |
Ketavim bi-nósʹe medʻa. |
Agudat ha-sifriyot ha-meyuhadot u-merkage ha-medʻa bi-yísraʹel |
Kèurschners deutscher Gelehrten-Kalender auf das Jahr ... |
W. de Gruyter |
0341-8049 |
Key publications of the European Union. |
Office for Official Publications of the European Communities |
1608-8522 |
Key to meteorological records documentation. |
U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Weather Bureau : |