Title |
Publisher |
Program (Institution) |
Manuels de l'UNESCO a l'usage des bibliothèques publiques. |
Manuscript inventory series. |
Manuscript Collections, Syracuse University Library |
Manuscript register series. |
[publisher not identified] |
Manuscript Series |
0511-2966 |
Manuscripta orientalia : international journal for Oriental manuscript research / Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Oriental Studies, St. Petersburg Branch. |
1238-5018 |
Manuscripta. |
St. Louis University Library |
0025-2603 |
Manuscripts / Manuscript Society. |
The Society |
0025-262X |
Manuscripts collections of the Minnesota Historical Society. |
Minnesota Historical Society |
Manuscripts of the Middle East. |
Ter Lugt Press |
0920-0401 |
Map collectors' series. |
Map Collectors' Circle |
0542-6243 |
Mapocho / |
Dirección de Bibliotecas, Archivos y Museos |
0025-2689 |
Maps and publications ... price list. |
Kentucky Commerce Cabinet |
0278-9655 |
Maps and publications price list / |
Dept. of Environmental Protection and Energy, Division of Science and Research, New Jersey Geological Survey |
Maps, a MARC format. |
Library of Congress : |
Marad publications / |
U.S. Dept. of Transportation, Maritime Administration |
MARC 21 concise formats / |
Library of Congress, Cataloging Distribution Service |
MARC distribution services. |
CDS, Cataloging Distribution Service, Library of Congress |
Marginalie : |
Spolek |
Marginalien; Zeitschrift für Buchkunst und Bibliophile. |
Pirckheimer-Gesellschaft |
0025-2948 |
Marine affairs bibliography : a comprehensive index to marine law and policy literature / compiled and edited by Christian L. Wiktor and Leslie A. Foster ; prepared under the auspices of Dalhousie Ocean Studies Programme. |
Dalhousie Law School |
0226-8361 |