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14028 results for subjectCode: Z - page 654 of 702
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
The public library bulletin. Library Press
The Public Library magazine / Sam'L [Samuel] F. Myerson
The Public Library quarterly / Board of Education
The Public library reporter / [Public Library Association]. American Library Association 0555-6031
The Public-access computer systems review. Library and Information Technology Association 1063-164X
The publications of the United States Geological Survey, not including topographic maps / G.P.O.
The publisher and bookseller. [publisher not identified]
The Publisher. Publishers Circular
The Publishers circular. Published by the editor, Mr. Sampson Low
The Publishers' and stationers' weekly trade circular. Leypoldt
The Publishers' circular and booksellers' record of British and foreign literature. [Sampson Low, Marston & Co.] 0959-7794
The Publishers' circular and booksellers' record. The Publishers' Circular
The Publishers' circular and general record of British and foreign literature. [Sampson Low]
The Publishers' trade list annual. R. R. Bowker Co. 0079-7855
The publishing house of the European institutions. [Office for Official Publications of the European Communities]
The Quarterly index Islamicus. Mansell 0308-7395
The Quarto. Clements Library Associates of the University of Michigan
The R.R. Bowker memorial lectures / New York Public Library
The Ratings book : [from the software testing laboratories of Software digest]. Software Digest, Inc. 0742-0684
The Reader's adviser and bookman's manual. R.R. Bowker
14028 results for subjectCode: Z - page 654 of 702