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14028 results for subjectCode: Z - page 7 of 702
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
A list of books received at the Library of the Department of State ... with references to international treaties and articles on subjects relative to the law of nations and diplomacy in magazines received ... Dept. of State, Bureau of Rolls and Library
A list of books, bulletins, periodicals, journal contributions, and patents by members of Mellon Institute, Carnegie-Mellon University.
A list of books, pamphlets and maps received at the Library of the Department of State, by purchase, exchange, and gift, during the period from ... to ... with references to articles in periodicals relating to the law of nations, diplomacy, and political science, supplemented by a list of periodicals and newspapers received. Dept. of State, Bureau of Rolls and Library
A List of higher degree theses deposited in the university libraries of the Republic of Ireland in ... / Library, University College, Cork
A List of Kansas newspapers and periodicals received by the Kansas State Historical Society. The Society
A list of New Zealand books in print. Associated Booksellers of New Zealand
A list of package library material, including plays and readings.
A list of periodicals, books, bulletins, journal contributions, and patents by members of Mellon Institute.
A List of references: maize virus and mycoplasma diseases. Maize Virus Information Service, Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center
A List of references: maize virus diseases and corn stunt. Maize Virus Information Service, Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center
A List of Tennessee State publications. Tennessee State Library and Archives 0497-2228
A list of the principal publications issued from New Burlington Street. R. Bentley
A List of worthwhile health insurance books. Health Insurance Institute
A List of worthwhile life and health insurance books. American Council of Life Insurance [etc.] 0537-9350
A List of worthwhile life insurance books Institute of Life Insurance 0537-9369
A London bibliography of the social sciences. Mansell Information/Publishing Ltd. [etc.] 0076-051X
A Magyar Bibliofil Társaság évkönyve. A Társaság
A Magyar bibliográfiák bibliográfiája. Országos Széchényi Könyvtár 0541-9093
A magyar irodalom bibliográfiája / [Publisher varies.]
A Magyar irodalom és irodalomtudomány bibliográfiája. Országos Széchényi Könyvtár 0134-1464
14028 results for subjectCode: Z - page 7 of 702