Search Results

21589 results for validationLevel: Issue - page 165 of 1080
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Bulletin of materials science. Indian Academy of Sciences in collaboration with Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi 0250-4707
Bulletin of mathematical biology. Pergamon Press 0092-8240
Bulletin of mathematical statistics. Research Association of Statistical Sciences 0007-4993
Bulletin of mechanical engineering education. Wynn Williams (Publishers) Ltd. 0007-5000
Bulletin of miscellaneous information - Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew H.M.S.O 0366-4457
Bulletin of peace proposals. Universitetsforlaget 0007-5035
Bulletin of popular information - Arnold Arboretum, Harvard University. Arnold Arboretum 0196-6057
Bulletin of science, technology & society. Pergamon Press 0270-4676
Bulletin of Spanish studies / University of Glasgow. Published by Carfax Publishing Ltd. for the University of Glasgow 1475-3820
Bulletin of Spanish studies. Institute of Hispanic Studies 2167-3438
Bulletin of Sung and Yüan studies. Dept. of History, Cornell University 0275-4118
Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Division of Chemical Sciences. Consultants Bureau 0568-5230
Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Allerton Press [etc.] 0001-432X
Bulletin of the Agricultural Chemical Society of Japan. The Society 0375-8397
Bulletin of the Akita Fruit-tree Experiment Station. The Station 0385-3152
Bulletin of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists. The Association 0883-9247
Bulletin of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists. AAPG
Bulletin of the American Association of Teachers of Italian Banta 1539-8692
Bulletin of the American Association of University Professors. The Association 0883-1610
Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society. American Institute of Physics 0002-7537
21589 results for validationLevel: Issue - page 165 of 1080