Search Results

21589 results for validationLevel: Issue - page 239 of 1080
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Corrosion. National Association of Corrosion Engineers 0010-9312
Cortex; a journal devoted to the study of the nervous system and behavior. Tipografica Varese 0010-9452
COSMEP newsletter COSMEP Inc 10644482
COSMEP newsletter 00078832
Cosmetic and pharmaceutical catalog and formulary. American Perfumer and Cosmetics 0070-0533
Cosmetic formulary. American Perfumer and Cosmetics
Cosmica: 0389-9780
Cosmos : the yearbook of the Traditional Cosmology Society The Society 2698773
COSPAR information bulletin. Published for COSPAR by Elsevier [etc.] 0045-8732
Cost data for landscape construction. Kerr Associates 0271-2067
Cost of personal borrowing in the United States. Financial Publishing Co. 0091-3855
Cotton dust : proceedings of the ... Cotton Dust Research Conference, Beltwide Cotton Production Research Conferences / sponsored by National Cotton Council and the Cotton Foundation. National Cotton Council ; Cotton Inc. 0897-5531
Council on Anthropology and Education newsletter Council on Anthropology and Education 0591-2202
Council on Economic Priorities newsletter. The Council 8755-3538
Counseling and values. American Personnel and Guidance Association, etc 0160-7960
Counselor education and supervision. Association for Counselor Education and Supervision 0011-0035
Counselor education directory: personnel and programs. Accelerated Development Inc. [etc.] 0190-2199
Counselor preparation. Accelerated Development, inc. [etc.] 0271-5368
Countdown / The Institute
Countdown. Main Stage Publications 0746-8830
21589 results for validationLevel: Issue - page 239 of 1080