Search Results

21589 results for validationLevel: Issue - page 265 of 1080
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Developmental psychology. American Psychological Association 0012-1649
Developmental review : DR. Academic Press 0273-2297
Developmental science. Blackwell 1363-755X
Developments in industrial microbiology : a publication of the Society for Industrial Microbiology. The Society 0070-4563
Developments in ophthalmology. Karger 0250-3751
Developments in statistics. Academic Press 0163-3384
Developments in theoretical and applied mechanics. Proceedings. 0070-4598
Déviance et société 0378-7931
Deviant behavior. Hemisphere Pub. Corp 0163-9625
DGWS research reports, women in sports. American Association for Health, Physical Education and Recreation
Di Goldene Ḳeyt. ha-Histadrut ha-kelalit shel ha-ʻovdim be-Erets-Yisrael (General Federation of Jewish Labour in Israel) 0017-1638
Di Idishe heym. Ḳaʼunsil neshe u-venot Ḥabad 0044-0418
Di Idishe ṿokhenshrifṭ = Wochenschrift Pub. Co.
Di Ḳehile : K. Trivosh
Di li ke xue (地理科学) = Scientia geographica Sinica Di li ke xue bian ji wei yuan hui 10000690
Di li xue bao / Zhongguo di li xue hui bian ji. Ke xue chu ban she 0375-5444
Di li xue bao = Guo li Taiwan da xue li xue yuan di li huan jing zi yuan xue xi
Di naye heym. Liṭerarisher ferlag
Di qiu ke xue : Wuhan di zhi xue yuan xue bao = Earth science. Wuhan di zhi xue yuan xue bao bian ji bu 1000-2383
Di qiu xue bao = Acta geoscientia sinica. Di qiu xue bao bian ji bu 1006-3021
21589 results for validationLevel: Issue - page 265 of 1080